
- Declaration of intent for the establishment of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, adopted by the XV Congress of the "Tatry" Euroregion on 17 April 2009 in Muszyna
- Euroregion Tatry 1994-2011, Polish-Slovak Cross-border Cooperation Between Local Self-Government, Part I - volume dedicated to the Euroregion Tatry, its history and accomplishments
- International Conference From the Tatry Euroregion to a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, 14-15 September 2011, Nowy Targ
- Promotional Concert The Tatras Bring Us Together, 14 September 2011, Nowy Targ
- Study visit to the 9th European Week of the Regions and Cities OPEN DAYS, 10-14 September 2011
- Website
- Study visit to the Hungarian-Slovak European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation ISTER-GRANUM
- Consultative workshop on "European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TATRY", 21 March 2012, Poprad
- Session on the implementation of the project "From Euroregion Tatry to a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation", 18 April 2012, Liptovsky Mikulas
- Winner for the EGTC TATRY logo desing contest announced
- Extraordinary meeting of the Congress of Euroregion “Tatry” Accociation and informational workshop on European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TATRY, 28 August 2012, Nowy Targ
- Informational workshop on the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TATRY, 23 April 2013, Trstena
- Convention on the Creation of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TATRY ltd.
and Statutes of EGTC TATRY
- Creation of the EGTC TATRY ltd., 14 September 2013
- Inaugural conference of the EGTC TATRY, 25 September 2013, Nowy Targ