Europejskie Ugrupowanie Współpracy Terytorialnej
Project partners:
miasto Nowy Targ miasto Kezmarok

What is the EGTC?


European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation: a tool to facilitate cross-border, trans-national or inter-regional cooperation


EGTCs were established in 2006 by the European Parliament and the Council with the political support of the Committee of the Regions. They enable regional and local authorities from different member states to cooperate more effectively, for example by allowing them to directly apply for and manage European funds.

Role of EGTCs
To organise and manage cross-border, trans-national or interregional cooperation measures with or without EU financial support.

Who can set up an EGTC?

  • EGTCs must include partners from at least two EU member states, including:. Regional or local authorities
  • Central governments
  • Bodies governed  by public law
  • Associations

A taste of what an EGTC can do

  • Running cross-border transport or health services
  • Managing cross-border or inter-regional sustainable development projects (innovation and technology, environmental protection, etc.)
  • Strengthening economic and social cohesion across borders


The EGTC is governed by the Regulation (EC) 1082/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council. This Regulation is complemented by national provisions adopted by each Member State of the EU.

  • Regulation on European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (1082/2006/EC)  pdf
  • Polish provision of 7th November 2008  pdf
  • Slovak act of 15th February 2008 on the European groupinf of territorial cooperation and on the amendment of Act No 540/2001 Coll. on state statistics, as amended   pdf

For further information, visit the EGTC portal


Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development
Fund under the Republic of Poland - Slovak Republic Cross-border Co-operation Operational
Programme 2007-2013 and from the funds of the Malopolskie Voivodship